Help Support MOCA’s Post-Fire Recovery: Sponsor an Object!

The scale of the restoration and conservation work needed to recover after the fire at MOCA’s archives will require considerable resources. Please consider supporting MOCA in this work by sponsoring an object from MOCA’s collections that was salvaged from the fire! With your donation, the item you sponsor will receive professional conservation treatment, be restored to its utmost condition, and be well-preserved for the future.

You can choose from a selection of MOCA’s artifacts, photographs, textiles, signages, instruments, furniture, art pieces, documents, books, and newspapers that are in a state of fragility, damage, or disrepair. Please click through the image icons below to read about objects available for sponsorship. If you are interested in sponsoring a particular object, please click to navigate to MOCA’s Donate Page and be sure to note the object you would like to sponsor.

With your help, we can preserve these family and community treasures object by object– each an important piece of Chinese American history. We will gratefully credit you in accordance with the amount you contribute to the conservation of your sponsored object.

We will gratefully credit you in accordance with the amount you contribute to the conservation of your sponsored object.

MOCA Sponsorship Levels

[$25 – $100] Silver – MOCA will credit you in your object’s catalog record
[$100 – $500] Gold – MOCA will credit you in your object’s catalog record and email you an official Certificate of Sponsorship
[more than $500] Platinum – MOCA will credit you in your object’s catalog record and and email you an official Certificate of Sponsorship. MOCA will also credit you on exhibition labels whenever your object is displayed.

Available Objects: